
Sasha Nixon is the Exhibition Design and Production Manager at the Museum of Arts and Design (MAD), a mount-maker, independent curator, jewelry historian, metalsmith, and instructor. She teaches mount-making at Brooklyn Metal Works, has designed and curated exhibitions, mounted artwork for, and given lectures at some of New York City’s leading institutions and contributes regularly to Metalsmith magazine.  


Click on CV 

to the right to view

the full document

Sasha Nixon CV.docx


Send me an email at and I will get back to you as soon as I can. 

Instagram @sasha.n.metalsmith

Creative Credits:

Models: Bethany Latham, Kari Shaevitz, Corinne Ines, Stephanie Newkirk, Emma Cormack, Sasha Nixon

Photography: Lisa Walker, Isaiah Newkirk, Emma Cormack, Jenna Bascom, Sasha Nixon

Matterport renderings: Thuto Durkac-Somo